Tuesday, August 28, 2007

At the foot of the cross

Here is the updated list for prayer. Keep in mind all of the things that we prayed for last week as well.

Damaris' Mom- for strength and wisdom
The People in our spheres of influence
That we will be actively witnessing to them
That we will count all as rubbish in light of the cross
Thanks for the Blood of the Lamb because we are now victorious over sin
That we will have a balence of conviction and grace
That will will make our choices according to Jesus' work on the Cross
That jobs will be provided for people in our church

These are some of the verses that were read (sorry i didn't get them all)

1 Cor. 4:8-20
James 1:22-24

Please feel free to add to the list. I will be getting the next week's sermon on later this week.


At August 28, 2007 at 1:41 PM , Blogger Whitney said...

I will be needing prayer... esp. on Friday. On Friday a friend and i go out street witnessing, but this is totally beyond our normal reach of things... so we both need some serious encouragement and uplifting in the form of prayer. Thanks ~Whitney

At August 29, 2007 at 1:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay, you opened it up for Mr. Anonymous! Now I can comment. I will pray for you Whitney. Sorry I didn't read off the scripture verse and book. I will do that next time so that you can get it down. Looking forward to this Sunday night when we will be laying it down again.



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