Monday, September 17, 2007


Here's a quick list Whitney made from last night. As always, please correct any mistakes or omissions. (i don't have the Valley of Vision prayer Cheryl read)

Micah 7.8-1o...(?) an awareness of our standing before God-- His holiness vs our own sinfulness, Christ our Mediator.

That we would:
be aware of spiritual battles around us
seek to share the gospel in our everyday surroundings
reach out to visitors and new folks at Grace
become regular encouragers, especially in our speech
have clarity and trust instead of confusion, worry or fear
make good use of the time God has given us
be aware of families in our church-creative in blessing/serving them
be infused with His joy despite circumstances "joy of the Lord is our strength"
Heather's co-workers: salvation & passion for God

Grace Church:
thankfulness for Wayne and David- wisdom, grace for them
new high school ministry
women's discipleship group
singles group
Jon Morales
Cheryl- photography business
Jake-grace, photography
Meg James-healing, comfort
Dean James-grace
Carmichaels & Courtney-healing
Heather- Phil 2.12-15a
Landon-English group leader
Mark-work, house
Rebekah-work, grace, boldness


At September 19, 2007 at 10:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Answer to prayer, God is so good. The English group discussion went well. We have one more thing to do and that is going to happen next Monday. Thank you all for Praying for that.

Your Brother in Christ Jesus our Lord,

At September 19, 2007 at 7:45 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

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At September 19, 2007 at 7:49 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Very cool, Landon. Glad everything went well.

To expand a bit on my requests (sorry, I have issues with being too quiet and leaving people in the dark)...

I need patience at my day job, and guidance for cutting back on my supplemental job(s). I work too much.

For the house, everything has gone really well thus far, so pray it continues. I close on the 27th. I also want each of you to know that you are welcome there at any time for any reason. It's right around the corner from the church.

By His grace,

At September 26, 2007 at 4:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

could you all pray for me? I will be traveling to NYC tomorrow! :-D I won't be back until Monday Morning :-D ttyl thanks so much!


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