Sunday, September 2, 2007


As I try to recall from memory all the prayers that were offered up, I realize that it was a terrible night to forget to bring a pen to jot down the names and things that were offered up to God in supplication. So I will give up the general topics and a couple of scriptures that were read... and if you all remember something that was read or said or prayed over that I haven't included, that is something that needs to be shared, feel free to add it in.

Various Co-workers and ppl in our different spheres of life.
Teens at Grace Church
That we realize that Heaven is our home and that death isn't as bad because of our Hope.
That we will cast our burdens at the master's feet
That we will remember the Beattitudes and it will produce grace in our lives

Romans 8
Revelation 21
Lamatations 3
Matt 5


At September 7, 2007 at 3:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'll make sure to keep a list this time if you want. i can email it to you and you can put it up. or i can put it up here as a comment and you can do the good oldschool copy&paste.

At September 15, 2007 at 1:25 PM , Blogger Rebekah Schwab said...

I recieved an email from Linde Carmichael about her best friend Courtney (spelling is wrong), who was in a very bad car accident in Virginia. Apparently, she is alone, all her family lives elsewhere. a sister may be able to go be with her, but not sure. the extent of her injuries are pretty heavy- gash in her head to the skull, t8 and t12 discs broken or dislocated, other breaks and such.

Lets remmeber Courtney in our prayers.


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