Thursday, September 27, 2007

It Is Well With My Soul

Hey everyone,
God has just been laying on my heart the lesson that the great song writer, Horatio Spafford, penned in the 1800s. It is well with my soul. Even though trial and hardship come our way, can you say in that moment, even so it is well with my soul? Paul knew what it was like to suffer hardship and trial, but he tells us that he considers these light and momentary affliction as nothing compared to the surpassing worth of the Gospel. Hebrews 11:24-26 tells us about the faith and trust that Moses had in God and how he counted the reproach of Christ to be worth more than the treasures of Egypt. I would encourage you to spend time in Romans 8 (esp. verse 18).

To find out more about Horatio Spafford and the story behind this song, check this out. Believe me, it is worth your time! Also, the new sermon posted on the right hand side is from a paster in Covenant Life Church, one of our sister churches. If you have time, I would encourage you to take time to listen to this message.

God bless you,

I will not be with you this week as I will be flying home that evening. Your prayers would be appreciated! :-D


At September 28, 2007 at 1:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

flying home? i feel like a really bad friend. i can't believe i didn't even know you were gone.

thank you so much for the post whit. i've been memorizing that verse from corinthians 4, about our present sufferings being light and momentary...all that to say it encouraged me. i've been wanting to talk to you this week about some thoughts i had but i am not a phone person. do you check your emial?

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