Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Okay guys, here's the updated list!

Brian Wells-interview, and new job
Jake-health, photography
Mrs Alcantan-nerve in her leg
Kaleb-life, school
Stephanie Cook-school
Landon and Whitney-finances, school
Megan-work at houseblend
Rebekah-manager, photography, joy
Traugotts-moving, enouragement for mrs.
Wayne and David-growth in relationship with God and leadership
Kevin-recover from chemo, salvation
Julie + A- moving provision
Joe (whitney's friend)-Aunt's health and his faith
Ben (cheryl's friend)-direction for church
Maria and Kevin-salvation
Mark-blessing, rest, strength for work
Christian-rest, strength, encouragement, and patience
Brittanie and Joel-upcoming wedding
Landon's friend-broken relationship
Landon- that he will continue to be a role model, servant heart, his career, future wife
Celebration conference-no accidents, build relationships, bless the speakers, open listener's ears, bless admin and camp
Landon-thanks for provision in his life
Land Purchase
Dustin-worship team
president Bush- to stand strong
upcoming elections-wisdom
Andreas, Titus, Brandon, David-military (most are in Iraq)
Jake's mom-broken relationship, come to Grace Church
Missy's back
Landon's internship

sorry it took so long. my week is turning out to be a little more than i expected :-D


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