Tuesday, August 28, 2007

At the foot of the cross

Here is the updated list for prayer. Keep in mind all of the things that we prayed for last week as well.

Damaris' Mom- for strength and wisdom
The People in our spheres of influence
That we will be actively witnessing to them
That we will count all as rubbish in light of the cross
Thanks for the Blood of the Lamb because we are now victorious over sin
That we will have a balence of conviction and grace
That will will make our choices according to Jesus' work on the Cross
That jobs will be provided for people in our church

These are some of the verses that were read (sorry i didn't get them all)

1 Cor. 4:8-20
James 1:22-24

Please feel free to add to the list. I will be getting the next week's sermon on later this week.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Diving Deeper into God's Word

Well, Last night marked our first meeting and i wanted to sumarize a little of what we prayed about and what was shared so that hopefully you will continue to pray for these things during the week.

The Cooks: for a home, to be included into our family, thanks to God for their arrival
David Traugott
Wayne Brooks
Val Busser
Tom Alberts-healed heart and salvation (new heart)
Dean James-his back
Erik K.: compfort in the death of his brother
All the Homegroup leaders
Thanks for the blessings poured out on the church ie. the Roper property
To catch the church on fire, passionate and permanent
Deeper worship in our church
For the Spirit's infilling every day
To take time for the Bible so that we can be filled to be poured out more
Against the complacency of sin
For the believers in other countries
If there is anything i have forgotten, or that someone would like to add, please feel free to do so.

Please be in prayer about these things and emerse yourself in God's word as often as you can. We look forward to meeting again next sunday night.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Standing in the Presence

Well this is the start of something great or terrible. I am not sure which, but my only aim is to glorify my Lord and Savior. This Suday marks the first day of our Prayer Meeting, and i hope that i will be able to keep updates, prayer requests, pictures, and notices on here to hopefully encourage everyone in preparing their hearts for Sunday morning, night, and wednesday evening. I hope you will join me in making our Lord the focus of our daily life not just at those times, but every day, every hour, every moment. Join me in standing in the presence of God every second of our lives.