Monday, November 12, 2007


"Therefore we do not lose heart.
Though our outer natures are wasting away,
our inner nature is being renewed day by day.
For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us
an eternal weight beyond all comparison,
as we look not to the things that are seen,
but to the things that are unseen.
For the things that are seen are transient,
but the things that are unseen are eternal." ~2 Cor 4.16-18
{thanks Heather for sharing the scripture}

Here's a general list from last night:
The persecuted church-encouragement, strength, Bible distribution, heightened ability to memorize scripture, protection
Believers/Ministries in China, India, Iraq
Crossway Cornerstone Church (in Winter Garden)
Sovereign Grace Church (Merthyr, Wales)
Iglesia en La Paz (La Paz, Bolivia)
Ministry in Entre Rios (Bolivia)
Metro Life Church
Crossway Community Church (Surrey, BC, Canada)
Christ Our Redeemer Church (Vancouver, WA)
Riverside Community Church (Ft Lauderdale)
Sovereign Grace Church (Corning, NY)
Grace Church (San Diego)
PalmVista Community Church (Miami)
Ministries in Cuba, Haiti, Bahamas

Whitney-strength, grace, dependence
Sandi's parents-healing, comfort, spiritual/emotional strength
Sergey & Pavel-salvation
Megan, Britt, Cheryl-safe travel, good fellowship
Stephanie Cook-strength, peace in school
Chris (Heather's bro)-full recovery, salvation
Heather- grace to speak, wisdom
Tingstroms-travelling mercies
Bekah-grace, peace, God's presence
Christian-strength, wisdom, direction
Lloyds-encouragement, wisdom, joy
Abigail-refreshment, protection
Wesely-refreshment, protection
Jones-strength, healing, grace
Families in need of work: Splitters, Gracies, Swansons, Davidsons, Bonni, Wells
Grace Church singles: outpouring of Holy Spirit, sensitivity to Spirit's leading, strength, strong witness throughout week

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

*this is damaris apologizing for never posting the list from prayer last week.*

Due to the nature of last week's meeting, there isn't a list this week. I am so thankful for the Holy Spirit's leading. (and i doubt we'll be forgetting those crazy shark/sunflower/trail analogies...)
The reason for this post is to highlight 3 specific people and ask for your prayers. Thanks.

Meg James--that she would have strength to endure chemo and side effects; that her white blood counts would go up (her white blood cells are practically non-existent, meaning her immune system is deficient) and that her kids would stay healthy.

Ian Murphy{Indiana, PA church}--healing; to find out more visit here.

Betty Benjamin{my mum's mom}--healing and grace to endure chemo side effects.

As always, please feel free to comment with any prayer requests.